domestikasi kuda bahasa Inggris
- domestikasi: domestication
- kuda: horse; steed; horses; charger; hack; knight;
- daftar tumbuhan hasil domestikasi: list of domesticated plants
- pusat domestikasi gajah api: api elephant domestication center
- tumbuhan hasil domestikasi: domesticated plants
- kuda: horse; steed; horses; charger; hack; knight; vaulting horse; equid; horsie; equidae; trestle; yarraman; nag; foot ropes; equus caballus; equine; gymnastic horse; pommel horse; mount; sawhorse; west
- kuda kuda: sawhorse
- kuda-kuda: easel; gantry; horses; horse; scaffolding; sawbuck; rafter; buck; sawhorse
- menunggang kuda naik kuda: ridden on horseback; riding on horseback; rode on horseback
- penahan kuda-kuda: piggypocker
- alat kuda: harness
- anak kuda: colt; yearling; foal
- anatomi kuda: horse anatomy
- baka kuda: horse breeds
- balap kuda: horse racing
- Prehistoric Ukraine, as part of the Pontic steppe, has played an important role in Eurasian cultural contacts, including the spread of the Chalcolithic, the Bronze Age, Indo-European expansion and the domestication of the horse.
Stepa Pontos-Kaspia berperan sebagai faktor penting dalam kebudayaan Eurasia dan khususnya selama zaman prasejarah Ukraina, termasuk penyebaran Zaman Tembaga, Zaman Perunggu, Ekspansi Indo-Eropa dan domestikasi kuda.